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[WotR] 飞逝之箭 (指挥官 & 兰恩)

原作:《开拓者:正义之怒》(Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous)


前言:我的指挥官 科特.橡树林(Kurt Eklund)是个土巨灵裔灵使男指挥官。有ACT III的剧透。本篇是 Fleeting Arrow 的中文翻译。

[冰海战记] 弓与盔 (克努特/哈拉德,2/2)

推荐BGM: The Royal Blackbird – the Unthanks

SoundCloud / Spotify / 网易云



[冰海战记] 至烈至明(阿谢拉德&表伦,3/3)




[Vinland Saga] All is Violent, All is Bright (Askeladd & Björn, 3/3)

Summary: A true warrior needs no sword. Askeladd would sneer at that first, but then he would graciously admit that it holds some merits. After all, weakness of people did not just lie in their soft greasy flesh. Desire and secret sometimes cut deeper than any swords ever do. Besides, those days, if he really needed to have people to be cut, skewered or torn apart, he always had someone else for the job. 

Until he had to do it himself once again. And again. 

A Chinese translation is available. / 中文翻译戳

[WotR] Fleeting Arrow (the Commander & Lann)

Fandom: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Summary: In a fleeting moment, Lann caught a glimpse of a glittering blue feather in the sea of tall grass. Then it was gone. 

Notes: OMC Commander Kurt Eklund – Oread/Azata path/Chaotic Good. Minor spoiler for ACT III. Special thanks for my beta Oli. 

[LOGH] In Cocoa, Milk and Altitudes We Trust (Ivan Konev/Olivier Poplin) EN

Pairing: Ivan Konev/Olivier Poplin

Summary: The last month of 1944. Pacific, Peleliu Island US Base. A young Marine pilot Julian Mintz had a mini mission to investigate a petty theft in the base with his canine expert. Or, as he later discovered, F4U Corsair Fighter-Bomber, was the most expensive ice-cream maker in the world. And the secret to perfect chocolate ice-cream? Remember, stirred, not shaken.

So. Finally. This. It sets in the same universe with my another work Hurricane Drunk 醉生战死 but you can read it as a stand-alone story. Some altered and made-up background for Julian.

This is an English translation of In Cocoa, Milk and Altitudes We Trust

[银英] In Cocoa, Milk and Altitudes We Trust(二战AU 双击坠,一发完)

配对:伊万.高尼夫 & 奥利比.波布兰



An English translation is available here.

[FB] 孩子们的眼睛(Leta & Newt & Theseus)

配对:Leta & Newt & Theseus



[Led Zeppelin] Drunk Drummer Girl (Bonham&Jones,Bonzo性转注意)

简介:“你要听真的还是看起来那样的?”一个喝醉了半夜盖被纯聊天的故事。Bonzo性转 = Joan Bonham

[空之轨迹] 碎片 Fragments(莱维&玲&约修亚,莱维/卡玲)(7/7)

简介:“我们来到这世上,是为了修补破损的东西的。” 或者,从影之国回来后,约修亚和玲整理故人碎片,各自做了一个梦。

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